roytseng-tw / Detectron.pytorch

A pytorch implementation of Detectron. Both training from scratch and inferring directly from pretrained Detectron weights are available.

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Add custom module to object detection pipeline and train jointly

ashnair1 opened this issue · comments

I wanted to implement the non local module in the mask rcnn pipeline. I've already written it as a standalone module but I'm not sure how to include it in the detectron codebase so that I can jointly train the module and the model. Could someone give me a clue as to how to include it? I simply need to train an additional 4 convolutional layers (theta, phi, g, conv) but I'm unclear as to how to do it.

Here's the non local module:

Here's the non local module:

class NonLocalBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,X):
        super(NonLocalBlock, self).__init__()

        channels = X.shape[1] # Torch tensor => [batch_size, number_of_kernels, w, h].

        self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=channels,out_channels=channels,kernel_size=(1,1))

        # Embeddings
        self.theta = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=channels,out_channels=channels,kernel_size=(1,1))
        self.phi = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=channels,out_channels=channels,kernel_size=(1,1))
        self.phi_pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
        self.g = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=channels,out_channels=channels,kernel_size=(1,1))
        self.g_pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)

    def forward(self, x):
        # Assume input is [N, F, H, W]
        theta = F.relu(self.theta(x))               # Shape = [N, F, H, W]
        phi = F.relu(self.phi(x))                   # Shape = [N, F, H, W]
        phi = self.phi_pool(phi)                    # Shape = [N, F, H/2, W/2]
        g = F.relu(self.g(x))                       # Shape = [N, F, H, W]
        g = self.g_pool(g)                          # Shape = [N, F, H/2, W/2]

        # Reshape theta, phi and g 
        theta = theta.permute(0,2,3,1)              # Shape = [N, H, W, F]
        theta = theta.reshape(-1,theta.shape[-1])   # Shape = [NHW, F]
        phi = phi.permute(1,2,3,0)                  # Shape = [F, H/2, W/2, N] 
        phi = phi.reshape(phi.shape[0],-1)          # Shape = [F, N*H/2*W/2] 
        g = g.permute(0,2,3,1)                      # Shape = [N, H/2, W/2, F]
        g = g.reshape(-1,g.shape[-1])               # Shape = [N*H/2*W/2, F]

        # Matrix Multiplication 1
        prod = torch.matmul(theta,phi)              # Shape = [NHW, N*H/2*W/2]          
        softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=0)
        prod = softmax(prod)

        # Matrix Multiplication 2
        prod = torch.matmul(prod,g)                 # Shape = [NHW, F]

        prod = prod.reshape(x.shape[0],             # Shape = [N, H, W, F]

        prod = prod.permute(0,3,1,2)

        out = F.relu(self.conv(prod))

        #out = out.permute(0,1,2,3)                # Shape = [N, F, H, W]

        assert prod.shape == x.shape
        out = out + x
        return out


nn_local = NonLocalBlock(layer).to('cuda') # Send model to device
refined_layer = nn_local.forward(layer)