roxma / nvim-cm-tern

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mcesar opened this issue · comments

How to enable this source for .vue files?


You mean the <script> tag inside .vue file?


update nvim-completion-manager add see if it's working

No, it isn't. But if I change the line 11 of the file roxma/nvim-cm-tern/pythonx/cm_sources/ like bellow, it does:

- scopes=['javascript','javascript.jsx'],
+ scopes=['javascript','javascript.jsx','vue'],

Do you want I send a pull request?


The scopes usually match the :echo &filetype of your buffer. Since .vue is not pure javascript file, it may also contains css, html code.

I would prefer to add it like this commit. Which would also enable css completion in style tag for .vue file.

Note that I got &filetype as vue.html.javascript.css on my machine, which depends on the filetype detection plugin being used,

PRs are welcome. I'm gonna do the update now since it's that simple.

In my machine :echo &filetype returns vue.


I've updated nvim-completion-manager, would you help me test it and confirm that it's working?

It's working, thanks!