rowanwins / leaflet-easyPrint

A leaflet plugin which adds an icon to print the map - Demo @

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Event in Jquery

adacurro-usgs opened this issue · comments

Hi does this plugin support event handling? I wanted to freeze my markercluster on easy print button click.

Cheers! Amazing plugin tho!

Hi @adacurro-usgs

There are a couple of undocumented events in the src, see this and this

So I think the theory was that someone would be able to do something like

map.on('easyPrint-start', function(ev) {
    // do something in here

I think from memory I tested it an it works... but it was along time ago that I wrote it :)

Let me know how you get on

Thank you I will try this.

Hi @rowanwins it works! However, I need one more event. How do you call if the print is successful?

Thanks again for your help!

Awesome, perhaps try

map.on('easyPrint-finished', function (ev) {
    // do something in here

pretty sure this event is only fired if the print is successful.