rowanu / ChromeCalendarExtension

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Find out why oAuth redirect hangs after first installation

rowanu opened this issue · comments

The first oAuth pop-up (ie. immediate: false) works (in that it grants
permssions), but the pop-up then hangs, and the callback (which fetches events,
sets the badge number, etc) never fires.

On (hacky) work-around would be to poll for events on start-up/install, so that
even with the hung pop-up, the events would be updated shortly after the user

Instead of doing getEvents as a callback on installation (which never fires),
can just trigger the interval to check periodically (and just keep getEvents)
on startup.

Fresh install results in a "Request for Permssion" window being opened, which
has the right permissions request. Once you click on "Allow", the window goes
blank and shows the title of "Connecting ..."

Posted to Group.