rowanehab / 4_pets

A Web project of pet's clinic by using html ,CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Types of Users in this project • Normal User will be referred to as “User” • Admin User User Roles • Normal users can be added by signing up or by an “Admin” • Admins are “Users” with elevated privileges • Admins can only be added by other “Admin” • Admin can upgrade a “User” into “Admin” • Admin can suspend “Users” Registration / login scenarios • Registration is done for “Users” o Regular info is required to complete the registration process (including email address) o Email address is unique for each user o After registration the “User” account status is “not activated” and an email message is sent to the user to activate his account (activation link) o After activation the user can login as normal using the username/password • The login process is the same for both “User and Admin” o After the login process the logged in “User or Admin” is redirected to the corresponding landing page according to the user role • Forgetting password capabilities must be provided for all user types o The user can use the “forgot password” process, the system will send an email message to the user corresponding email including the username/password • Suspended users can’t login and a message must be provided “your account is suspended contact the system admin” o This can change after an admin unsuspend the user account General Requirements: • A landing pages (for visitors – not logged in) • A landing page for users and for admins (could be the same as the above with appropriate customization) • Signup / login / forgot password capabilities • Create a Web page that includes various types of hyperlinks. • Create a Web page that includes various multimedia objects. • Put an advertisement in your web information system. • At least five input forms (add / update / delete) not including (Signup / login / forgot password) • At least four reports [at least one of each of the following] o Classic Report o Ranking Report o Pivot Tables Report o Interactive Report • At least three graphs (pie chart / bar chart …etc.) • Every user must have a profile (can update the info including a personal photo “with the ability to upload and change”) • Every input form control must be implement the appropriate validation o Required fields validation o Correct format validation o Range validation o Regular expression validation o Compare validation o Confirmation fields validation o Validation feedback o Custom validation • Do masking for some of the data inputs relevant to your system. • All pages must be secured by means of “sessions” meaning o Visitors can only view (landing page / signup / login / forgot password page) o Users can only view their profile and the appropriate pages o Admins can view all pages including the (Users control page) • The database schema must include at least five tables connected by means of foreign keys (no orphan / unconnected tables) • (You should do complex queries including joins) and generate reports containing the results of the queries.


A Web project of pet's clinic by using html ,CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL.


Language:HTML 28.2%Language:PHP 24.6%Language:JavaScript 24.2%Language:CSS 8.8%Language:Handlebars 7.6%Language:SCSS 6.6%