roundcube / elastic

Responsive theme for Roundcube Webmail

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

multiple selection via shift does not work on check box

mbohlender opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce
go to inbox
try to select an intervall of e-mails by using the shift function:
first by clicking into the "mail preview" (subject line and sender)
than by checking the check box

Actual results
the shift function olny works by clicking into the "mail preview" (subject line and sender)
the shift function does not work by selecting the e-mails via check box.

Expected results
the shift function should work in both cases (preview AND check box)

The checkbox was mainly implemented for touch devices, but I agree that Shift-click on a checkbox should work the same as for Shift-selection outside of the checkbox.