rotaready / moment-range

Fancy date ranges for Moment.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Why (10-02, 15-02) intersect (10-02, 10-02) is null?

icetbr opened this issue · comments

Hi, I believe this recent fix introduced this behavior, I want to know why



Simply because moment.range('10-02', '10-02') has length 0 so there isn't any intersecting period.

If the start and end had different times, there would be an intersection...

const m = moment('10-02') // 10-02T00:00:00
const r = moment.range(m.startOf('day'), m.endOf('day'))

moment.range('10-02', '15-02').intersect(r) // 10-02T00:00:00 -> 10-02T23:59:59

// NB: Can do this with range.snapTo('day') after 4.0.0 release

Hope this helps :)

Ok, thanks. I was thinking of a 0 day range as 1 day. Overlaps with adjacent: true does what I was expecting though.