rosiejs / rosie

factory for building JavaScript objects, mostly useful for setting up test data. Inspired by factory_girl

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"builder.apply is not a function" error when user makes subtle mistake

kylezeeuwen opened this issue · comments

Using rosie v1.3.0 with node v6.1.0.

I was just writing up practice docs for a project that uses rosie and I found a scenario where user error could result in a subtle bug.

If I define a factory:

  • with a sequence and erroneously pass a default value to it (i.e., .sequence('myid', 1)
  • with an attribute that relies on that sequence ID

Then when I invoke with all defaults it will cause a builder.apply is not a function error.

I think it could be a bug in the handling of calls to sequence, but in any case I thought I would write it up for posterity:

var Factory = require('rosie').Factory;
var dump = function(o) { console.log(JSON.stringify(o, {}, 2)) }

// //Case 1 - Fail
  .sequence('propertyId', 1) // HERE!!! Look here where I pass 1 to the sequence
  .attr('reference', ['propertyId'], function(propertyId) { return `REFPROP${propertyId}` })
  .attr('bedroomNr', 1)

try {
catch (err) {
  console.log("This is the apply error, caused because you must explicitly set anything you use as a dependency")
// This is the apply error, caused because you must explicitly set anything you use as a dependency
// "builder.apply is not a function"

// //Case 2 - Pass
  .sequence('propertyId') // HERE! There is no default provided, and now it works
  .attr('reference', ['propertyId'], function(propertyId) { return `REFPROP${propertyId}` })
  .attr('bedroomNr', 1)

//  "propertyId": 1,
//  "reference": "REFPROP1",
//  "bedroomNr": 1
//  "propertyId": 2,
//  "reference": "REFPROP2",
//  "bedroomNr": 1

really comes down to the lack of docs in the Looking at the code you have clearly defined the function signature and I wasn't using sequence() correctly. Might submit a PR if I can find time. Would you accept some doc updates if I submitted them ? I am using rosie on two projects, would be willing to help out if it was accepted.

Would love to have better docs! Please feel free to submit a PR.

Please see PR to add said docs : #49

I will try to make a new PR that makes some of the PEBKAC errors a little more graceful, but that will probably not be for a month or so.

Thanks for the code !

I believe this is pretty much addressed by #49. Thanks!