rosetta-rs / template-benchmarks-rs

Collected benchmarks for templating crates written in Rust

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

dificult to read

AlbanMinassian opened this issue · comments


Is not an issue

It took me a long time to read the results (which is the fastest, slowest, ...) and I wanted to let you know that there is a graph that is faster to read (or understand): for example, you can see the website or who display faster at 100% and others relatif to faster.

Thank you for this work.

Thanks for the issue. For now I consider reading it easy enough; and the current plot adds information that I perceive as important to understand the relative performance. If more people find this problematic, or if someone is more motivated to improve on this, I'd be happy to review a patch!

Thank for your answer.
Ok, maybe a day ...

Let's leave this open so others can find it more easily.

maybe a bar graph?

first time seeing a violin graph, for me

very helpful info. thx @djc


Thanks, me be dumb, I don't get the graph.

At the very least, perhaps sort them by the average time taken?

As-is, Handlebars, Horrorshow, and Tera balloon out the scale so much that the violin plots are difficult to use to compare the fastest entries and I find myself only being able to get use out of the information if I copy-paste the "Numbers, as output by Criterion:" section into a text editor and manually sort the rows.

Heck, I opened the SVGs in their own browser tabs and, even when I zoomed it up, I still couldn't see the violin for Sailfish on the Big Table benchmark.

I'm unlikely to spend much time on this. However, if someone can devise a low-maintenance alternative way to present the data, I'm happy to review it.

Related - the SVG generated has a transparent background, which makes it very difficult to read when rendered against github Dark Mode - I initially didn't realize it was there at all. Please consider rendering with a white or other light-color background. Screenshot attached.
Workaround: Right-click, open image in new tab.
Screen Shot 2022-04-11 at 12 45 17 PM