ros / xacro

Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.

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cmake xacro_add_files fails with xacro.load_yaml() instead of load_yaml()

nullket opened this issue · comments


I have one package (urdf_package) holding an URDF including xacro properties. I try to use some static values and parse the file directly with urdf::Model model in c++ within an other package (package_b).

When I was using the cmake function xacro_add_files() it worked for the first time, but I got a warning that the macro load_yaml() i was using in my urdf was deprecated and instead xacro.load_yaml() should be used. Alright I changed that bit of code and it works just fine on my computer (like in the old saying). But our industrial ci fails during the cmake function call xacro_add_files() on Line 77 when I use xacro.load_yaml() instead of load_yaml().

I can not figure out why. Any ideas?

For simplification I hard-coded some paths but the concept is:
cmake of package_b (not the urdf package)

xacro_add_files(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../urdf_package/urdf/robot.xacro TARGET media_files REMAP ROBOT:=robot_1)

ci build log

Errors << package_b:make /root/target_ws/logs/package_b/build.make.000.log
name 'xacro' is not defined 
when evaluating expression 'xacro.load_yaml('$(find urdf_description)/robots/$(arg ROBOT)/config/robot.yaml')' 
when evaluating expression 'robot['maps']['map_ENU_joint']['x']'
when processing file: /root/target_ws/src/ros/src/package_b/../urdf_package/urdf/robot.xacro 

Beginning of URDF

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Revolute-Revolute Manipulator -->
<robot name="$(arg ROBOT)" xmlns:xacro="">
<xacro:property name="robot" value="${xacro.load_yaml('$(find urdf_description)/robots/$(arg ROBOT)/config/robot.yaml')}"/>

When it works locally for you, probably industrial_ci uses a different (older) version of xacro?
Can you check the used versions?
Did industrial_ci issue the xacro.load_yaml deprecation warning as well? If not, this hints at different versions.

You are perfectly right. It was not the fault of industrial_ci but my docker build script which is used to to create the correct environment did not always pull the latest ros base image first (it simply used the local available and thus old version). Thanks for the quick response which lead me to the solution!