ropensci / visdat

Preliminary Exploratory Visualisation of Data

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vis_*_ly still available?

rinzebloem opened this issue · comments

Are the plotly wrappers still available for the visdat package?

I am not able to use vis_miss_ly() after installing the package (both from CRAN or dev version), R simply doesn't recognize the function.

Hi there!

To get plotly wrappers around visdat functions, you can run:


The vis_*_ly functions are in another branch and development slowed as I wasn't sure the benefit over using ggplotly() was worth the tradeoff.

Let me know if this doesn't fit your usecase and then I'll have another data point towards implementing the vis_*_ly family.

Thanks for the quick response! I understand the reasons for taking vis_*_ly out of the package.
Unfortunately, wrapping vis_miss() into ggplotly() is simply too slow to be reasonable for my dataset (time series with 17k observations of 1.5k variables) and according to this documentation, the vis_*_ly functions were supposed to be "3000 times faster". However, I understand from your comment that this does not seem to be the case?