ropensci / CoordinateCleaner

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Error in cc_sea when using seas_ref = buffland

jaum20 opened this issue · comments

cc_sea(df, lon = "decimalLongitude.new1",
lat = "decimalLatitude.new1", ref = buffland)

Testing sea coordinates
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : 
  unable to find an inherited method for function ‘geomtype’ for signature ‘"PackedSpatVector"’

If I omit ref = buffland, it works fine

As per the ?cc_sea help file, ref should be a SpatVector of polygons. And, like your error message says, the method is not impemented for a PackedSpatVector. Try unpacking it first with buffland <- terra::unwrap(buffland).

I am almost sure this was not necessary in the 2.0 version. Thank you