ropensci / CoordinateCleaner

Automated flagging of common spatial and temporal errors in biological and palaeontological collection data, for the use in conservation, ecology and palaeontology.

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Please remove dependencies on **rgdal**, **rgeos**, and/or **maptools**

rsbivand opened this issue · comments

This package depends on (depends, imports or suggests) raster and one or more of the retiring packages rgdal, rgeos or maptools ( Since raster 3.6.3, all use of external FOSS library functionality has been transferred to terra, making the retiring packages very likely redundant. It would help greatly if you could remove dependencies on the retiring packages as soon as possible.

Seconded. In the meantime, is it possible to still use this package (I'm wanting to use function cc_outl just now) with rgdal now retired?

working on this, but will take some time.

New blog: This strong dependence on retiring packages is a problem for a package depending on this package: brunobrr/bdc#253, and will be a problem for any workflows using the package. Best completed in June 2023, last gasp October 2023. In NAMESPACE, you have:

importFrom(rgdal,readOGR) # use st_read() and coerce to sp
importFrom(rgeos,gBuffer) # use st_buffer coercing to sf and back to sp
importFrom(sp,"proj4string<-") # ensure use of WKT-2
importFrom(sp,CRS) # uses st_crs internally in status 2L
importFrom(sp,disaggregate) # probably defunct
importFrom(sp,over) # probably defunct
importFrom(sp,proj4string) # ensure use of WKT-2
importFrom(sp,spTransform) # uses st_transform internally in status 2L

Whether these are actually used or not is unknown, only rgeos::gBuffer was found by pkgapi. I would drop the strong dependencies, comment out the imports, then work around the problems then arising until the output matches the output before changes.

I don't see any relevant updates to the github repo, but maybe you have already made changes on a clone or fork. Since this is an ropensci package, I suggest a review round with them, perhaps also to check workflows not published as packages. @maelle , @Bisaloo suggestions? If you need to raise issues with us, please use

@BrunoVilela has started working on this issue, this week, will be finished before October. These hint will be very helpful, thanks.

Now only three months remain, please submit to CRAN soon @BrunoVilela @kguidonimartins brunobrr/bdc#253

I followed up with the maintainer per email.

@azizka @maelle @BrunoVilela The current state of the new_spatial branch passes my CMD check with the forthcoming changes. Please expedite submission to CRAN, as the current release will fail when sp 2.1-0 is submitted (hopefully in early September), freeing sp from the retiring packages. CC @edzer

@azizka @maelle @BrunoVilela Action needed immediately; the package will fail CRAN checks as soon as sp 2.1-0 is published, (very soon); rgdal and rgeos have less than three weeks' left.

Thanks, we are working through the issues. Target date was end of this month. @BrunoVilela any news?

@azizka Thanks, please try to complete ASAP to avoid a last minute rush. We expect to archive the retiring packages 16 October.

@azizka @BrunoVilela any news? It might be too late to avoid an archival on CRAN now.

@maelle 3.0 was published on CRAN 2023-10-03, looks OK, closing here, thanks for your cooperation.

🎉 😌