romkatv / zsh4humans

A turnkey configuration for Zsh

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Version of fzf installed doesn't support --preview-window

pnodet opened this issue · comments

Using fzf with --preview-window=down,3,wrap fails on my mac with message: invalid preview window option: down,3,wrap

--preview-window=down works but not combined with other options.
This preview window setting is used by some other tools I use like zoxide.

Installing the latest version solves this issue, but not sure if some z4h features relies on outdated options

Version installed by z4h:

❯ fzf --version
0.25.1 (f55c990)

Version installed by brew:

❯ fzf --version
0.46.1 (brew)

not sure if some z4h features relies on outdated options

If you encounter an issue, please let me know.