romkatv / powerlevel10k

A Zsh theme

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_p9k_deschedule_redraw:zle:2: No handler installed for fd 22

p1r473 opened this issue · comments

Was playing around with tab completes in my shell and got this

_p9k_deschedule_redraw:zle:2: No handler installed for fd 22
_p9k_deschedule_redraw:3: file descriptor 22 used by shell, not closed

Hard to replicate. Any ideas?
I am using a lot of ZSH plugins, so perhaps conflicting?
Could it be related to #1554 ?


Is there a reason you think it might be not a dup of #1554?

Wow Roman you are fast!
No problem, I will close as a duplicate unless ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_USE_ASYNC='false' doesnt work
Thanks for the great work and support 👍