romkatv / powerlevel10k

A Zsh theme

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Vertical padding at the bottom of the terminal

tvsfx opened this issue · comments

Is it possible to configure the padding at the bottom of the terminal? (See figure) I just switched to powerlevel10k and the padding at the bottom is markedly different than it was under my last oh-my-zsh theme (under gnome-terminal). Especially for long, vertical windows, it gets straining after a while to have to read all commands at the very bottom.


Related to #1457 but the solution presented there seems complex given what I want to achieve, so I thought I'd check first.

Please post the same screenshot with your last oh-my-zsh theme. Which theme was it?

It was some homebrew, very basic theme, that did no more than set a couple environment variables for configuration.
I investigated further and the cause seems to just be that with the new font, the power10k line height almost exactly divides my screen height, which makes the last prompt look cramped at the bottom. My previous theme made no effort to pad anything at the bottom either, but just so happened to divide my screen height less well... My bad.

In any case, I have tried adding something like \n\e[1A to PS1 following this SO answer, but without success, and I understood from #1457 that this is not a proper solution.

The best solution is to set the position and the height of your terminal window in such a way so that looking at the bottom is comfortable. Some terminals also have a setting to create padding at the bottom. There is no in-zsh solution because shell has no control over this stuff.

Ok, thanks for the information! I use a tiling window manager, so I tend to use either the entire height of the screen or half of it. I'll have another look at padding in gnome-terminal