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Can't get Kubecontext to work

stepjanssen opened this issue · comments

I'm using OC for kubernetes. I checked .kube/config and the config file contains what it should, but p10k just won't show anything. I also disabled show on command, since I read it should always show 'default' in another issue, but that didn't work either.

Can it be a permissions issue? Or maybe the fact that I don't have kubectl installed, since I only use OC?

What is OC?

Openshift CLI, it's in the default config for 'show on command'.

I see. The current implementation of kubecontext requires kubectl. Is there anything that makes it difficult for you install it?

I don't think so. So installing cubectl next to oc should probably make kubecontext work for servers managed through oc?

I did, it worked! Hopefully this issue helps someone down the line. Thanks for the help!

Thanks for verifying and confirming that it works for setups like yours.