romeerez / orchid-orm

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Error: column "deletedAt" does not exist

KenjiGinjo opened this issue · comments

// orm query
await'id', {
      subcomments: (q) =>'id'),

This query generated sql is

// generated raw sql
SELECT "comment"."id",
       COALESCE("subcomments".r, '[]') "subcomments"
FROM "comment"
  (SELECT json_agg(row_to_json("t".*)) r
     (SELECT "subcomments"."id"
      FROM "comment" AS "subcomments"
      WHERE "subcomments"."deleted_at" IS NULL
        AND "subcomments"."root_id" = "comment"."id") AS "t"
   WHERE "deletedAt" IS NULL) "subcomments" ON TRUE
WHERE "comment"."deleted_at" IS NULL

deletedAt is wrong, deleted_at is right.

related Table orchidORM config and Prisma schema

export class TableComment extends BaseTable {
  public readonly table = 'comment';
  public readonly softDelete = true;

  public columns = this.setColumns((t) => ({
    id: ...,
    createdAt: ...,
    updatedAt: ...,
    deletedAt: ...,

    rootId: t.varchar().nullable(),

  public relations = {

    subcomments: this.hasMany(() => TableComment, {
      required: true,
      primaryKey: 'id',
      foreignKey: 'rootId',

Thank you for opening, I'm looking into it, seems to be a bug that's relatively quick to fix

I published a fix.

Update orchid-orm and other related libs if there are any in your package.json and this should work fine now.

Thanks. ☺️