romaonthego / RESideMenu

iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.

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How to Open Side Menu on UIButton Click event.

avinashvaghasiya opened this issue · comments


I am Add Button And Create Action.
How to Open Side Menu on UIButton Click event.
i am not use bar Button.

simulator screen shot 12-jul-2016 12 42 30 pm


in storyboard, cirl+ press the menu button , drag and release into this view controller and choose "send action - presentLeftMenuViewController"

link your button to this fun.

- (IBAction)sideMenuButton:(id)sender {
    // toggle the right side menu
     [self.sideMenuViewController presentRightMenuViewController];
- (IBAction)leftSideMenuButton:(id)sender {
    // toggle the right side menu
     [self.sideMenuViewController presentLeftMenuViewController];