romannurik / AndroidAssetStudio

A set of web-based tools for generating graphics and other assets that would eventually be in an Android application's res/ directory.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use consistent file names for adaptive icons, or allow customization

nokite opened this issue · comments

The file names of the generated adaptive images have changed recently. This breaks our workflow, as we rely on having consistent file names every time we use this tool. We already have a lot of apps using the old names.

It would be great to go back to the previous naming scheme. Or to allow the user to customize the file names, in this case the postfix.

The postfix used to be like "*background":

Now it's like "*adaptive_back":

Right now we're forced to rename the files manually after using this tool, which is quite some work that should be avoided. So if this doesn't get resolved we'd have to fork the project, or write a script to rename the files, which feels like a bad workaround. I imagine that other people must have run into the same problem, so I prefer solving this at the source and sharing my solution.

I can try to open a PR with the change, depending on what the maintainer prefers.
Let me know!


Hi there, my new tool does this. I'm looking to avoid further changes to the Android Asset Studio's launcher icon generator.