romandanylyk / PageIndicatorView

An page indicator for Android ViewPager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Release to jitpack or mavenCentral

Jawnnypoo opened this issue · comments

JCenter is shutting down:

So, please consider publishing to or Maven Central instead. The deadline is May 1st.

Since JCenter is shutting down, please consider publishing to Maven Central. Thanks

This is already reachable via Jitpack. Beyond that I'd suggest swapping to a different indicator if Maven Central is a dealbreaker.

1.0.3 is not available on Jitpack though 😢

You can fetch by commit (for example b1bad58 which was the corresponding commit for 1.0.3) it should be fine.

implementation 'com.github.romandanylyk:PageIndicatorView:b1bad589b5'

Maybe I am wrong, but I think that from February 2022 this library is going to end of career because if you open gradle file you can see that the library also depends on jCenter.

Here's a working way to fetch 1.0.3 from Jitpack:

implementation 'com.github.romandanylyk:PageIndicatorView:v.1.0.3'

Thankyou @mmarczell-graphisoft You saved my life

Any chance of uploading the library to maven?