romana / multi-ping

Python library to monitor one or many IP addresses via ICMP echo (ping) requests

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Time in between pings

scubadave1122 opened this issue · comments

I hired someone to write me a script that used this tool. Is there a way for me to limit the time in between the pings?

Thank you for considering multi-ping.

Do you mean the time interval between individual pings to different addresses when a number of IP addresses needs to be tested? Currently, it just sends them all as quickly as possible, then waits for responses (and performs retries, if configured, etc.).

I can imagine that contacting the set of addresses "as quickly as possible" may cause issues in some networks.

Currently there is no parameter for this. If it's what you are looking for then I'm sure we can add it, though.

Thanks for the fast response.

Its not common when this happens, but sometimes I perform specific tests on networks using all types of tools and have seen some issues occur when the tools pings very rapidly. One particular annoying one is that if your running a continuous ping very fast and the remote node goes offline the pings will still show success... I don't know why this happens but it happens with win 7/10 cmd, linux term. If I stop the ping and restart it, then everything works.

Another issue is security policies. Rapid pings to multiple IP can breach policies in some of the higher end firewalls.

I am no coder at all but if I am reading the python script properly that my developer made it seems I am sending a list of 8 ip addresses to multiping. then multiping tries to ping each one. I think if it doesn't get a response on the first ping it will try again 3 more times giving the remote node 500ms to respond on each of the three attempts (correct me if I am wrong). pass or fail it then moves on to the next ip in the list.

I think it would be really usefull if I can specify custom time (ms) between each ping for my list of IPs

A good example: (I would make this one 500ms, it is local and hardwired on same subnet) (I would make this 3000ms, it is an access point going through two wireless bridges a mile away) ( I would make this 1000ms, because it isn't local but is highly available)

Lol, sorry for the long response I sometimes ramble at night.... Let me know your thoughts

also my developer is going to work on this other issue his script had but maybe you can offer insight. When the wan goes down, multiping throws an error that stops his python script from running. I personally don't know if it is his script that has to handle this properly or if multiping fails when the wan drops but it is something he said he will work on tonight. He said he should have a response for me within two hours