Multiple uses of MultiPing() // return of receive()
sausix opened this issue · comments
Adrian Sausenthaler commented
The same MultiPing instance can't be used twice.
It's ugly to create a new object if you want to ping to the same address again.
At least some kind of reset() method would be great.
pinger = MultiPing([''])
ok, nok = pinger.receive(2)
print(ok, nok)
ok, nok = pinger.receive(2)
print(ok, nok)
multiping.MultiPingError: No responses pending
receive() returns a tuple[dict, list].
Is there a reason for that? If i send two packets at once, what seems to be allowed in this way, only one response per given destination is being returned.
MultiPing(['', ''])
{'': 0.0020570755004882812} []