rollup / rollup-plugin-babel

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How is Babel configured between its own config file and the options passed to the Rollup plugin?

mario-d-s opened this issue · comments


I searched the issue tracker for explanation but failed to find any. To me the following is not explained properly in the readme/doc. It just says that Babel will respect any .babelrc or babel.config.js* file, but what does the final config look like?

For example, if we have in .babelrc:

"plugins": ["@babel/proposal-decorators"]

And the object returned from rollup.config.js contains this:

plugins: [
    babel({ plugins: ['@babel/proposal-class-properties'] })

Are the configs merged and do both plugins get applied? If yes, in what order, because that is also important?

I’m actually not sure about the order - I would assume options passed to this plugin would be put after config items, but that is a guess.

We don’t do anything special in this regard - we just hand options to Babel so it takes care of this stuff. This should be explained here but seems it isn’t. Maybe worth reporting to Babel?

Going to close this as the issue has been reported to Babel.