roleoroleo / yi-hack-MStar.gdrive

Google drive loader for yi smart ip camera (MStar based)

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GDriveAutoremover doesn't work

denven opened this issue · comments

My Google Drive has 15G space, after two day's video auto uploading, the space is full right now when I checked.

Although I've set autoremoved=on in conf/gdrive.conf, but it's not working, I checked GDriveAutoremover.log
There are repetitive lines of 'out of range', like:
sh: 16101065736: out of range
sh: 16101065736: out of range
sh: 16101065736: out of range

And file uploading failed due to GDrive space limitation, the GDriveUploader.log tells:
{ "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "reason": "storageQuotaExceeded", "message": "The user's Drive storage quota has been exceeded." } ], "code": 403, "message": "The user's Drive storage quota has been exceeded." } }

Obviously, that script doesn't function normally.

I think I've found the bug, I've submitted the new code.

I need more time to work on it, I still found some out of range output this morning, not as frequent as I had before.