rohitthakur2590 / ansible-navigator

A TUI for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A TUI for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform


Quick start

git clone
mkdir ansible-navigator_demo
cd ansible-navigator_demo
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U setuptools
pip install -U ansible
pip install ../ansible-navigator

RHEL8/Centos8 prerequisites:

sudo dnf install python3
sudo dnf install gcc python3-devel


Start at the welcome page, from the welcome page you can run playbooks, explore inventories, and review docs


Other things to try direct from the command line

Review the help

ansible-navigator --help

Review current configuration (default mode)

ansible-navigator config -m interactive

Review current configuration in classic mode

ansible-navigator config -m stdout dump

Explore available collections

ansible-navigator collections

Review documentation

ansible-navigator doc ansible.netcommon.cli_command

Run and explore a playbook

ansible-navigator run -m interactive site.yaml -i inventory.yaml

Review and explore and inventory

ansible-navigator inventory -i inventory.yaml

Run a playbook with classic output (default mode)

ansible-navigator run -m stdout site.yaml -i inventory.yaml

ansible-navigator.yml example

  container-engine: docker
    command: code -g {filename}:{line_number}
    console: False
    - ../nav_demo/inventory.yaml
    - ansible_network_os
    - ansible_network_cli_ssh_type
    - ansible_connection
    level: debug
  no-osc4: True

in app key bindings

esc                                     Go back
^f/PgUp                                 Page up
^b/PgDn                                 Page down
arrow up, arrow down                    Scroll up/down
:collections                            Explore installed collections
:config                                 Explore the current Ansible configuration
:d, :doc <plugin>                       Show a plugin doc
:r, :run <playbook> -i <inventory>      Run a playbook using in interactive mode
:f, :filter <re>                        Filter page lines using a regex
:h, :help                               This page
:i, :inventory <inventory>              Explore the current or alternate inventory
:l, :log                                Review current log file
:o, :open                               Open current page in the editor
:o, :open {{ some_key }}                Open file path in a key's value
:q, :quit                               Quit the application
:q!, :quit!, ^c                         Force quit while a playbook is running
:rr, :rerun                             Rerun the playbook
:s, :save <file>                        Save current plays as an artifact
:st, :stream                            Watch playbook results real time
:w, :write <file>                       Write current page to a new file
:w!, :write! <file>                     Write current page to an existing or new file
:w>>, :write>> <file>                   Append current page to an existing file
:w!>>, :write!>> <file>                 Append current page to an existing or new file

[0-9]                                   Go to menu item
:<number>                               Go to menu item
:{{ n|filter }}                         Template the menu item

[0-9]                                   Go to task number
:<number>                               Go to task number
+, -                                    Next/Previous task
_, :_                                   Toggle hidden keys
:{{ key|filter }}                       Template the key's value
:d, :doc                                Show the doc for the current task's module
:j, :json                               Switch to JSON serialization
:y, :yaml                               Switch to YAML serialization

esc                                     Exit line input
^A                                      Beginning of line
^E                                      End of line
insert                                  Enable/disable insert mode
arrow up, arrow down                    Previous/next command in history


A TUI for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%