Rohankhg / dsa-2019

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Dancing to the Tunes of Algorithms

Course Name
Data Structures and Algorithms and Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
Course Code
19ECSC201 and 19ECSP201
Course Instructor
Prakash Hegade
KLE Technological University, Hubballi-31

If you can think, you can code. If you can think better, you can code better.



You will find all the course resources and related information on this page. The page is divided into three major sections.

  1. Challenges
  2. Course Notes and Details
  3. Lab Resources

Every programmer must have an owned library of codes. They come in handy at need. Here is mine: Day-Today Codes. If you create and have a library of your own, well, you should!



Challenge 01: Essay

One of the essential skill for a problem solver is Comprehension capability. Hence, the first challenge is an essay challenge. Read the ebook: Design of a Programmer and write an essay of 300-500 words. Your essay must not be a book review. It must be your take away thoughts. Pen down your thoughts on an A4 sheet with your name and roll number and submit it by the end of the class on 17th Aug 2019, 10.00am.

This is a compulsory challenge. All essays will be reviewed and graded on a scale of 1 to 10.

Challenge 02: Code The Philosophy

You are given with a list of ten philosophies. You need to code a simple C program to realize it. More details in the pdf: Code The Philosophy Challenge. Deadline is 25th August 2019, 5.00pm, Sunday. Adhere to submission guidelines as mentioned. Use the template given to code. Fill up all the TO-DO sections. Template can be found Here.

This is a compulsory challenge. The top submission will receive a DSA PUDDINGA trophy.

Challenge 03: MAT Challenge

Look out for the MAT Challenge. Along with students, even the course instructor will be taking up this challenge. Any student who designs and codes a better solution than course instructor scores a 100/100. More details in the supplied pdf. The submission deadline is 1 September 2019, 9.00pm.

Challenge 04: TBD

Coming Soon

Course Resources

Chapter 01: Coming Soon

Lab Resources

  1. Lab 01 - Revisiting the Basics - TBD

  2. Lab 02 - Applications of Stack and Queue - TBD

  3. Lab 03 - MAT Challenge



Language:C 100.0%