rogchap / v8go

Execute JavaScript from Go

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Can't define method in constructor

silentiumNoxe opened this issue · comments

import (
	v8 ""

func main() {
	iso := v8.NewIsolate()
	global := v8.NewObjectTemplate(iso)

	fn := v8.NewFunctionTemplate(iso, foo())
	if err := global.Set("Foo", fn); err != nil {

	ctx := v8.NewContext(iso, global)
	defer recoverPanic(ctx)

	jsVal, err := ctx.RunScript("new Foo()", "main.js")
	if err != nil {

	if jsVal.IsObject() {
		logrus.Info("Returned object")

	jsVal, err = ctx.RunScript("new Foo().a", "main2.js")// return "1"
	if err != nil {


	jsVal, err = ctx.RunScript("new Foo().hello()", "main3.js")// hello is undefined
	if err != nil {


func foo() func(*v8.FunctionCallbackInfo) *v8.Value {
	return func(info *v8.FunctionCallbackInfo) *v8.Value {
		value, err := v8.NewValue(info.Context().Isolate(), "1")
		if err != nil {

		if err := info.This().Set("a", value); err != nil { //set property into "this"

		fn := v8.NewFunctionTemplate(info.Context().Isolate(), helloFunc)

		if err := info.This().Object().Set("hello", fn); err != nil { //v8go: unsupported object property type `*v8go.FunctionTemplate` 


		return nil

func helloFunc(info *v8.FunctionCallbackInfo) *v8.Value {
	val, _ := v8.NewValue(info.Context().Isolate(), "hello")
	return val
ERRO[0000] Fail JS execute - v8go: unsupported object property type `*v8go.FunctionTemplate` 
INFO[0000] Returned object                              
ERRO[0000] Fail JS execute - v8go: unsupported object property type `*v8go.FunctionTemplate` 
INFO[0000] JS result - 1                                
ERRO[0000] Fail JS execute - v8go: unsupported object property type `*v8go.FunctionTemplate` 
ERRO[0000] Fail JS execute - TypeError: (intermediate value).hello is not a function
    at main3.js:1:11 
ERRO[0000] Panic occurred on function main.js - runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference 

You may be able to pass in the actual function from the function template with:

if err := info.This().Object().Set("hello", fn.GetFunction(info.Context())); err != nil {