rodneyrehm / viewport-units-buggyfill

Making viewport units (vh|vw|vmin|vmax) work properly in Mobile Safari.

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Error in IE8

philippkuehn opened this issue · comments

Hey, I'm getting an error in IE8. This breaks all my javascript :)
I'm using version 0.5.1.

bildschirmfoto 2015-03-26 um 17 38 02

I've failed getting an IE8 VM to run so I could try this myself… Please clone the repository and check if the error occurs with index.html.

Yes, I'm getting a blank screen here.
In IE9 everything is fine.

bildschirmfoto 2015-03-28 um 20 42 47

ok, I'll take another look at getting my IE8 VM working again. Maybe @zoltan-dulac has an idea in the meantime?

Hey guys.

The only IE support is for 9 and up, since it fixes the buggy support of vh & vw. We should at the least look at getting rid of js errors and replace it with a friendly error message. We could look at support for IE8, but I don't see this as high priority since all my clients in the last year do not demand support for it.

Bottom line: right now, there is no IE8 support. Just 9+.

Yes fully agree! Get rid of the errors is enough.

released in 0.5.2