rodjek / puppet-lint

Check that your Puppet manifests conform to the style guide

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Puppet-lint 2.4.0 - ERROR: Syntax error on line x

dervolker opened this issue · comments


Since yesterday we suddenly get an ERROR: Syntax error on line error. Before, no error was shown.

It seems to appear in file definitions where an inline_epp is used like in the following snippet.

  -> file { '/etc/security/limits.d/artifactory.conf':
    content => inline_epp(@(EOT)
artifactory soft nofile <%= $roles_repo_servers::max_files %>
artifactory hard nofile <%= $roles_repo_servers::max_files %>
artifactory soft nproc <%= $roles_repo_servers::max_procs %>
artifactory hard nproc <%= $roles_repo_servers::max_procs %>