rockchip-linux / rknpu

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Is RK3399pro user mode library not supported for 1.7.1 yet?

eungiHong opened this issue · comments


I tried to run rknpu/rknn/rknn_api/examples/rknn_yolov5_demo on RK3399Pro (Tinker Edge R) with rknpu driver 1.7.1 installed from this repo.
However, as noted on, I got following error messages:
Failed to open device: No such file or directory, Try again...
_OpenDevice(1091): FATAL: Failed to open device, errno=No such file or directory

Then, I found that the user mode library for RK3399pro is different from this repo. So I downloaded "rknn_api.h" and "" from "RKNPUTools" and compiled rknn_yolov5_demo.

However, this time, the program crashed with the following messages:
E RKNNAPI: rknn_init, msg_load_ack fail, ack = 1 (ACK_FAIL), expect 0 (ACK_SUCC)!
E RKNNAPI: API: 1.6.1 (00c4d8b build: 2021-03-15 16:31:37)
E RKNNAPI: DRV: 1.4.0 (b4a8096 build: 2020-09-14 11:15:57)
rknn_init error ret = -6

Seeing that the latest commit history from RKNPUTools is for 1.6.1, I believe that the user mode library for RK3399Pro for 1.7.1 is not yet supported?

If I am right, do you have any plan for the API release?
If not, is there any way to run yolov5 with NPU from lower versions such as 1.6.0?

Thank you in advance.