robwhess / opensift

Open-Source SIFT Library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please document whether this is compatible with Lowe's sift tool

mardy opened this issue · comments

The bundler program includes a shell script to invoke Lowe's sift tool in order to extract features from .pgm images. The original tool has some limitations (it's especially limited on the image size, so it won't work on larger images) and it would be interesting to know if the siftfeat program included in this project is compatible with it -- that is, whether it accepts the same input and delivers the output in the same format.
If it's not compatible, but you are able to document what the difference are, I could contribute a small shell script that wraps siftfeat in a way that makes it compatible with the original sift.

siftfeat produces the same format of output as Lowe's sift tool. I haven't been maintaining this code because it's been incorporated into OpenCV since version 2.3, so I may or may not have time to update the docs.