robtarr / node-pixel

Library for using addressable LEDs (such as NeoPixels/WS2812) with Firmata and JohnnyFive

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



The purpose of this library is to provide a node js interface for addressable RGB LEDs. Most commonly these are known as Neo Pixels (if you shop at Adafruit) however any WS2812b addressable LED should work with this.

The current iteration supports two methods of set up:

  • a custom version of firmata that provides an interface to talk to the "pixels".
  • an I2C "backpack" using an arduino pro mini or nano that provides the interface and then uses standard firmata.

Both of these mechanisms presently rely on the Adafruit NeoPixel library.

The pixel library can be used with both Johnny-Five or stock Node Firmata and can be used by any board that provides an IO interface with I2C support such as a Raspberry PI.

Both fimwares are provided in this repo in the firmware directory.


Both methods of installation are covered in detail in the Installation Guide.

Pixel API

The Pixel API is provided below.


A sequence of LEDs all joined together is called a strip and you need to tell the strip which pin (data) it is on and how many LEDs are in the sequence. In addition you need to provide the strip with a controller to tell it to use the custom firmata or I2C backpack.


  • options An object of property parameters
Property Type Value / Description Default Required
data Number Digital Pin. Used to set which pin the signal line to the pixels is being used. 6 yes
length Number Number of pixels to be set in the strip. Note excess of 256 will mean a firmware change. 128 no
board IO Object IO Board object to use with Johnny Five undefined yes(1)
firmata Firmata board Firmata board object to use with Firmata directly undefined yes(1)

(1) A board or firmata object is required but only one of these needs to be set.


  • onready() - emits when the strip is configured.
  • onerror() - returns the error that occurred.


Johnny-Five instantiation

pixel = require("node-pixel");
five = require("johnny-five");

var board = new five.Board(opts);
var strip = null;

board.on("ready", function() {

    strip = new pixel.Strip({
        data: 6,
        length: 4,
        board: this,
        controller: "FIRMATA",

    strip.on("ready", function() {
        // do stuff with the strip here.

Firmata instantiation

pixel = require("node-pixel");
var firmata = require('firmata');

var board = new firmata.Board('path to usb',function(){
    strip = new pixel.Strip({
        data: 6,
        length: 4,
        firmata: board,
        controller: "FIRMATA",

    strip.on("ready", function() {
        // do stuff with the strip here.

Johnny Five with backpack

pixel = require("node-pixel");
five = require("johnny-five");

var board = new five.Board(opts);
board.on("ready", function() {
    strip = new pixel.Strip({
        length: 4,
        board: this,
        controller: "I2CBACKPACK",

    strip.on("ready", function() {
        // do stuff with the strip here.


Note that Johnny-Five uses the board option and firmata uses the firmata option. This is because the pixel library supports and Board capable of presenting an IO interface. The library will work out the right thing to do based on the board being passed and the controller being set.



The show method should be called at the point you want to "set" the frame on the strip of pixels and show them.

// ... make pixel modifications; // make the strip latch and update the LEDs

Addressable LEDs work by clocking data along their entire length and so you make the various changes you want to the strip then call show() to propagate this data through the LEDs.

color( colourstring );

All LEDs on the strip can be set to the same colour using the .color() method.

  • colourstring A String as a standard HTML hex colour or a CSS colour name, or a CSS rgb(r, g, b) value used to specify the colour of the strip.

TODO: Refactor to use new version


Set strip using a hex value

strip.color("#ff0000"); // turns entire strip red using a hex colour;

Update strip using a named CSS colour

strip.color("teal"); // sets strip to a blue-green color using a named colour;

You can also use CSS RGB values

strip.color("rgb(0, 255, 0)"); // sets strip to green using rgb values;
pixel( address );

Individual pixels can be addressed by the pixel method using their address in the sequence.

  • address A Number indexing the pixel you want. Returns a Pixel object.
var p = strip.pixel(1); // get the second LED. p is now a Pixel object


A pixel is an individual element in the strip. It is fairly basic and it's API is detailed below.


color( color string )

Colors work exactly the same way on individual pixels as per strips so see the strip.color reference above.

  • color string A String providing the hex colour, CSS colour name or CSS rgb() values to be used to set the individual pixel a certain colour
var p = strip.pixel(1);     // get second LED
p.color("#0000FF");         // set second pixel blue.

p = strip.pixel(2);         // get third LED
p.color("orange");          // set third pixel red/yellow

p = strip.pixel(3);         // get fourth LED
p.color("rgb(0, 255, 0)");  // set fourth LED green

Returns an object representing the color of this pixel with the shape below.

  • none
    r: 0,               // red component
    g: 0,               // green component
    b: 0,               // blue component
    hexcode: "#000000", // hexcode of color
    color: "black",     // keyword name of color if matching
    rgb: [0,0,0],       // RGB component array

Get a pixel, set it's colour and then query it's current state.

var p = strip.pixel(1); // get second LED

p.color("#0000FF"); // set second pixel blue.

p.color(); // returns {r:0, g:0, b:255, hexcode:"#0000ff", color:"blue", rgb[0,0,255]}

TODO and roadmap

This library is under active development and planned modifications are:

  • Make the pin definition and strand length configurable without changing firmware
  • Remove the dependency on the Adafruit NeoPixel library and reduce complexity
  • Make ability to have multiple strips on different pins
  • Provide methods of having different shapes to the strips
  • Alias all color() methods and properties to be colour() as well.


Library for using addressable LEDs (such as NeoPixels/WS2812) with Firmata and JohnnyFive

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 50.0%Language:Arduino 19.5%Language:JavaScript 15.4%Language:C 14.5%Language:Makefile 0.6%