robotmay / s3-direct-file-upload

Elm S3/Shrine direct file uploader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

S3 Direct File Uploads in Elm

This is a simple library that allows you to upload files directly to Amazon S3 (or compatible services, except Digital Ocean Spaces which will rate limit you immediately).


I've basically ripped this out of the editor for the moment, so documentation is a bit thin on the ground, however the following code should be most of what is needed to get it working.

  -- Import this library
  import S3DirectFileUpload exposing (FileUpload)

  -- Other dependencies for the example code below
  import File exposing (File)
  import File.Select as Select
  import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
  import Task

  -- Example upload button in the view:
  uploadButton : Model -> Html Message
  uploadButton model =
    a [ class "btn", onClick Pick ]
      [ text "Upload images" ]

  update : Message -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Message)
  update message model =
    Pick ->
      ( model
      , Select.files ["image/*"] GotFiles

    GotFiles file files ->
        allFiles = (file :: files)

        commands =

            (\file_ ->
              -- "media/sign" here is the endpoint on the application which generates some needed
              -- params for this to work. Shrine defaults to "/s3/params" when mounted, but you
              -- need it without the preceding / here, e.g. "s3/params"
              Task.attempt GotFileUpload (FileUpload.upload file_ "media/sign")

        ( model
        , Cmd.batch commands

    GotFileUpload fileUpload ->
      case fileUpload of
        Err err ->
          -- Most likely a HTTP error
          -- Do something with the error, e.g.
          ( { model | state = Broken }, Cmd.none )
        Ok data ->
          -- Do something with the returned FileUpload type, e.g.
          saveToServer data


Elm S3/Shrine direct file uploader

License:MIT License


Language:Elm 100.0%