robotman3000 / Spigot-Plus

More than another multiworld plugin

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Automatic Releases

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I have added continuous integration autobuilding for automatic releases when I produce nightlies for my operating system. I was wondering if you would either have me set this project up with ci or if you would like me to show you how. I use wercker to do that. This can also be used to turn the nightly into stable releases and automatically build with different version numbers too.

I have set up automatic compiling on my fork of the project. I am currently running the 11:30 build which will allow me to test that it works before making a pull request. As for the automation, whether or not you decide you want it, you can just accept or deny the pull request and if you accept it, I can either show you how to sign up and set up continuous integration on or if you want me to, I can handle it on my account and all I will need is a copy of the personal access key under your profile settings. We can discuss this when we meet on Wednesday on what to do. (Edit) I do want to add, that this is just the first wercker.yml, so the build times are inefficient (~7-10 mins). I predict build times of around 1-3 mins after I am finished with wercker.yml.