robince / fst-uofc

Fast S-Transform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing inverse functions for both algorithms.

FSharpCSharp opened this issue · comments

When using the library, I noticed that in the package and in the documentation it is mentioned that all algorithms have a inverse function. Unfortunately I don't find it anywhere in this package. Was it simply forgotten? It would be very good if there was still the possibility to get them.

Thank you very much!

Interesting point. Also I couldn't find a way to invert the transformation within the package on the fly. This applies to both 1D and 2D. I would also be in favour of adding the function here so that you can convert back changed signals and thus take advantage of the fast transformation.

This is a fork of the main project at
I only added a Matlab wrapper (and made some other minor changes for my needs).
For functionality of the C library I suggest you contact the developers of the original package.

OK, I'm sorry about that. I thought that was the repository where the development took place.