robertwayne / axum-htmx

A set of htmx extractors, responders, and request guards for axum.

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HxBoostedBy macro to avoid redundant if-else for layout

qrdwtf opened this issue · comments


I'd like to propose a macros feature in addition to HxBoosted extractor.

Currently with axum-htmx we use HxBoosted like this:

async fn get_index(HxBoosted(boosted): HxBoosted) -> impl IntoResponse {
    if boosted {
        // Send a template extending from _partial.html
    } else {
        // Send a template extending from _base.html

I propose to add a macro, then it will be:

async fn get_index() -> Html<String> {
    // some impl here

    // <-- page html -->

fn with_layout(Html(html): Html<String>) -> Html<String> {
    // Wrap page html into layout if called

What this macro does is transforming that function to:

async fn get_index(HxBoosted(boosted): HxBoosted) -> Html<String> {
    // some impl here

    if boosted {
        // <-- page html -->
    } else {
        // <-- with_layout(page html) -->

I don't have much experience with Rust but managed to write something close to that macro in this axum-htmx-derive repo. Didn't publish yet, don't think it requires separate package - but needs to be included in axum-htmx (with feature flag).

Currently it has 2 macros: hx_boosted_by and hx_boosted_by_async - if you have any idea on how it can be merged I'm here :)

Let me know what you think.


I'm okay with this. I think reducing the boilerplate is worth the additional complexity and I'm willing to maintain it long-term. It fits within the spirit of the library.

Are you interested in starting a draft PR for this here? I imagine that most of your downstream work should be generally transferrable, though I haven't had a chance to look through your repo yet.

That's great! Sure, I'll make a PR.