robertohuertasm / SQLite4Unity3d

SQLite made easy for Unity3d

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LINK error when building for UWP with IL2CPP in Master configuration

DarkwindSean opened this issue · comments

After adding "SQLite for Universal Windows Platform" to the references, apps will build for UWP while in the Debug or Release configuration, but not under the Master configuration.

The error that occurs is: "LNK1181: cannot open input file 'sqlite3.lib'"

This is an issue because some of .net is excluded in non-IL2CPP builds for UWP, and Unity games will only pass Microsoft's certification when built with the Master configuration in visual studio. This issue can be reproduced with the example project in the repository.

This issue is not actually a problem with the plugin, but with the way that unity interacts with the SQLite for Universal Windows Platform extension. To solve this issue, you need to edit the file in the plugin directory at: "\v0.8.0.0\ExtensionSDKs\SQLite.UWP.2015\3.19.2\DesignTime\CommonConfiguration\neutral\SQLite.UWP.2015.props"

Open that file as an administrator in a text editor (Visual Studio works), and add the line "Retail" in the block.