robert-w-gries / rxinu

Rust implementation of Xinu educational operating system

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Creating Box wrapper for trait object points to itself instead of trait object

robert-w-gries opened this issue · comments


We see an exception when trying to call scheduler.kill() in process_ret on i686.

In test process!
[try to kill process]

ExceptionStack {
    error_code: 0x0,
    instruction_pointer: 0x14647c,
    code_segment: 0x8,
    cpu_flags: 0x206,
    stack_pointer: 0x40000d3c,
    stack_segment: 0x3
InterruptDescription {
    vector: 14,
    mnemonic: "#PF",
    description: "Page Fault",
    irqtype: "Fault",
    source: "Any memory reference."

Page fault while accessing 0x61

I tracked down the issue to an incorrect trait object value. The following gdb session shows that we get the proper pointer to SCHEDULER (with some name mangling):

(gdb) list
102	    let scheduler_ptr: *mut &DoesScheduling;
103	    asm!("pop $0" : "=r"(scheduler_ptr) : : "memory" : "intel", "volatile");
105	    let scheduler = Box::from_raw(scheduler_ptr);
107	    let curr_id: ProcessId = scheduler.getid();
108	    scheduler.kill(curr_id);
109	}
(gdb) n
105	    let scheduler = Box::from_raw(scheduler_ptr);
(gdb) p/x scheduler_ptr
$1 = 0x400010f4
(gdb) x 0x400010f4
0x400010f4:	0x0014b360
(gdb) x 0x14b360
0x14b360 <_ZN72_$LT$rxinu..scheduling..SCHEDULER$u20$as$u20$core..ops..deref..Deref$GT$5deref11__stability4LAZY17h402ae1403f065449E+4>:	0x00000001

scheduler_ptr represents a raw pointer to a &DoesScheduling trait object stored during process creation. We want to create a Box<&DoesScheduling> from this raw pointer called scheduler.

In x86_64, scheduler is a Box<&DoesScheduling> that points to our global SCHEDULER as expected. However, in i686, scheduler is a Box<&DoesScheduling> that points to itself.

i686 behavior

(gdb) p/x scheduler_ptr
$1 = 0x400010f4
(gdb) p *scheduler
$3 = rxinu::scheduling::&DoesScheduling {pointer: 0x400010f4 "\364\020\000", vtable: 0x14af60}

x86_64 behavior

(gdb) p *scheduler
$1 = rxinu::scheduling::&DoesScheduling {pointer: 0x147be8 <<rxinu::scheduling::SCHEDULER as core::ops::deref::Deref>::deref::__stability::LAZY+8> "\001\000", vtable: 0x147a10}


The only workaround I've been able to find is removing the let scheduler = Box::from_raw(scheduler_ptr); line for i686 and replacing it with a hardcoded reference to SCHEDULER:

diff --git a/src/scheduling/ b/src/scheduling/
index cf946da..e0df2fa 100644
--- a/src/scheduling/
+++ b/src/scheduling/
@@ -102,8 +102,14 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn process_ret() {
     let scheduler_ptr: *mut &DoesScheduling;
     asm!("pop $0" : "=r"(scheduler_ptr) : : "memory" : "intel", "volatile");
+    #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
     let scheduler = Box::from_raw(scheduler_ptr);
+    // TODO: there seems to be an issue with i686 and trait objects
+    // We need to investigate more
+    #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
+    let scheduler = &::scheduling::SCHEDULER;
     let curr_id: ProcessId = scheduler.getid();

i686 support has been dropped for now. Will re-open this later if it's still an issue.

Seeing this issue now but only when host system is Ubuntu 18.04.

Builds from Ubuntu 16 work as intended.

This issue applies to x86_64 as well.

Thanks for the hint Phil! Since my scheduler trait object experiment has some bugs, I reverted to using the global scheduler object in process return.

I added in the old behavior in a new branch, feature/sched_trait_object, but I cannot reproduce this issue and test your suggested fix. I'm certain I'll run into this bug again so I'll leave the issue open for now.

Closing since it's not a pertinent issue. Will re-open if I run into it again.