robert-s-lee / grid-monai

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

grid-monai Session and Experiments with Monai tutorials. The MONAI framework is the open-source foundation being created by Project MONAI. MONAI is a freely available, community-supported, PyTorch-based framework for deep learning in healthcare imaging. It provides domain-optimized foundational capabilities for developing healthcare imaging training workflows in a native PyTorch paradigm. Session with Jupyter Notebook

ssh into session

grid ssh-keys add lit_key ~/.ssh/
grid session --instance_type 4_cpu_8gb ssh monai # t2.medium fails and requires non-cached data loader (double check)
tmux # 
  • setup Conda environment
export CONDA_NAME=monai
conda create --yes --name $CONDA_NAME python=3.8
conda activate $CONDA_NAME # note you may get prompt to run `conda init bash && exit`
pip install ipykernel # allow usage with Jupyter notebook
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=$CONDA_NAME # show conda env in Jupyter notebook
ipython profile create

Setup Monai tutorial

  • Download Monai tutorial
# pip install monai
pip install -U pip matplotlib notebook sklearn # used by some of the notebooks although not listed in the docs
pip install -r

git clone monai-tutorials
  • download data and create checkpoint files required to run some of notebooks

This will take about an hour to finish. use screen or tmux if connecting remote.

cd monai-tutorials/
  • Setup Monai environ vars
# for python scripts
cat >> ~/.bashrc <<EOF
export MONAI_DATA_DIRECTORY="$(pwd)/workspace"
# for notebooks
cat > ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/ <<EOF
import os
os.environ['MONAI_DATA_DIRECTORY'] = "$(pwd)/workspace"

Optional for enhanced observability

pip install wandb
# for python scripts
cat >> ~/.bashrc <<EOF
#export WANDB_MODE="offline"
export WANDB_NOTEBOOK_NAME="monai"
export WANDB_MODE="xxx"

# for notebooks
cat > ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/ <<EOF
import os
#os.environ['WANDB_MODE'] = "offline"
os.environ['WANDB_NOTEBOOK_NAME'] = "monai" # should be notebook file
os.environ['WANDB_API_KEY'] = "xxx"
  • fix to run on CPU as well
  • Setup Linux SAR

SAR allows monitoring of CPU, RAM, IO, Network utilization.

sudo sed -ibak -e "s#SA_DIR=.*#SA_DIR=${HOME}#g" /etc/sysstat/sysstat 
diff /etc/sysstat/sysstat /etc/sysstat/sysstatbak

sudo cp /etc/sysstat/sysstatbak /etc/sysstat/sysstat

sudo sed -ibak -e 's/ENABLED=\"false\"/ENABLED=\"true\"/g'  /etc/default/sysstat
diff /etc/default/sysstat /etc/default/sysstatbak
sudo sed -ibak -e 's#^5-55/10#\*/1#g' /etc/cron.d/sysstat 
diff /etc/cron.d/sysstat /etc/cron.d/sysstatbak


sudo service sysstat restart
sar 5 # confirm sar is running and Ctl-C to break
sar -f $HOME/sa07
  • Setup dstat
sudo apt-get install dstat #install dstat
pip install nvidia-ml-py #install Python NVIDIA Management Library
pip install pynvml 
sudo mv /usr/share/dstat/ #move file to the plugins directory of dstat
dstat -a --nvidia-gpu # confirm dstat is running
  • nvidia-smi dstat sudo nvidia-smi daemon -d 60 -p $HOME
