robcalcroft / react-native-in-app-notification

:bell: Customisable in-app notification component for React Native

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Customize Notification Background

Rithie opened this issue · comments

firstly, this lib is awesome eh. Great job!
this is not a issue per say,

I'd like to understand how can I use background props. How can I customize the notification. I couldn't find any tutorial or documentation.

Yes this library is awesome however how can the background Color be used

@Rithie did you manage to figure this one out?

Not sure if this is what you're looking for but you can write your own component and then give it to the library to display for you see the notificationBodyComponent prop. Then you can give the component any background colour or design you like.

Thanks I will try. One more question
Is it possible to use a url for the
Icon prop in this.prop.shownotification()?

Did someone know how to change the text color in the notification bar?

@mun5865 - Once you've created your own notification component and referenced it in the <InAppNotificationProvider notificationBodyComponent={...}> provider, you can just change the color as you would with a simple styles component. The example component here is very useful to help you create your own