ohmyzsh / ohmyzsh

🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,300+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.

Home Page:https://ohmyz.sh

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Proposal: another way to mange plugin/theme.

gutenye opened this issue · comments

this is inspired by vundle and Bundler, vundle is a great way to manage vim plugin, install and update plugin via git. a Pluginfile contains all your plugins. put every plugin into a seperate repository, so that evey one can fell free to develop/contribute a plugin and install/uninstall it.

# file Pluginfile
plugin ruby
plugin github
plugin user/foo   # foo plugin from https://github.com/user/foo
$ omz install [NAME]  # install a plugin
$ omz search NAME
$ omz update

some idea about custom plugin, each plugin can have a .after.zsh file, custom settings goes here. if you don't like foo plugin at all, you can create/fork to you own plugin just put plugin You/foo into Pluginfile.

# plugin/
foo.plugin.zsh  # load foo.plugin.zsh
foo.after.zsh    # then load foo.after.zsh

vundle use https://github.com/vim-scripts as a source.


I've release a project called zcm based on my thought. read more at https://github.com/zcm/zcm. It has a easy to develop a theme.

Looks good, may be oh-my-zsh should use it.