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Qtractor - An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer

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Qtractor crashing occasionally when plugin scan progress bar is showing 100%

TeamB12 opened this issue · comments

OS:Artix Linux - Up to date.
Problem: Plugin Scan sometimes doesnt end successfully:
The plugin scan goes to 100% but then it does not finnish but Qtractor is freezing then.
Scan times of Qtractor are quite different from run to run.
Also the size of the plugin cache files in the config dir are changing in size though no new plugin were added or removed.
It seemed the buffer latency of jack audio server is somehow influencing the outcome, so I am now scanning with 512 buffersize.

you have unstable plugins for sure.

please, before all else avoid scanning to "(Any)" plugin types; try one type at a time.

each turn, check the blacklist and remove the culprits from scan; or start with a very restricted set of plugin paths to scan, this being the first approach to diagnose which plugin(s) is giving you the snags.

Thanks for your thoughts, but I didnot ask for help,I am trying to do some bug reports.
Yes, not scanning all at once is a good work around - still, sometimes even scanning one plugin type is crashing Qtractor.
Working around is what I am doing every day...its ok for me, but maybe fixing issues is more then just working around and trying to avoid this or that.
Also, I do have maybe 4000 plugins installed, I do not caremuch if 30 are not running in Qtractor.
Of course I am deleting blacklist before trying to scan again. Scanning plugins, when successfull and without a crash is sometimes leading then to different size of the plugin conf files and so to different amount of plugins being successfully scanned.
Different results when doing the same, is maybe a thing to look at.
All plugins from one dev (the one who is developing Qi Granddad) are not recognized by Qtractor.
Also, same results with Ardour and Carla
Bitwig and Reaper are able to recognize and host these plugins, so it is not an issue of the plugins.
Exactly the half amount of orchestools plugins are not being recognized by Qtractor, but they are recognized by Bitwig and Reaper.
If I would find some reason for all this, I will post it here

4000 plugins? they cannot be all native linux plugins for sure...

just a question, are the most of those plugins of which type? vst2, vst3? are they bridged windows (wine) plugins for the sake of it? if yes to the last question please avoid them, keep only the sane ones reachable--yes you probably have to get some special paths for them-- also, do not just clear the blacklist, the ones in there are surely to blame: they are there just because they indeed crash the scan process, for crying out loud.

I am not counting the installed plugins - but when I am looking at Carla, which is not being able to recognize all plugins installed (like Qtractor and Ardour) then I can see around 3800 plugins. Maybe 150 Clap plugins that are not recognized by Carla (though I have installed ildaeil). Yes maybe 3700 or 3800 plugins installed now. And these are all native Linux plugins.
Sure, I am not using windows plugin and then complaining about DAW problems...
Ok, I will remove the blacklisted plugins from the plugin directories.
Maybe 540 LADSPA , 1800 LV2, 600 VST and 450 VST3 plugins

Stable running instrument plugin (U-he) gets blacklisted when scanned on audio track...
Scan vst2 plugins, clear blacklist, scan again results allways in different results
When scanning all plugins, no vst2 gets blacklisted
uhe plugins randomly blacklisted without a reason ( using these often)
debug versions of plugins seem to get blacklisted (no debug installed)

Finally, scanning all plugins on an audio track is not blacklisting plugins anymore, the next plugin scan is extremly slow.
Now, there are three blacklisted plugins though there were no more blacklisted plugins before

next scan is resulting again in an empty blacklist
any another scan brings now the same result: no more blacklisted plugins
Now scanning vst2 plugins is allways blacklisting one plugin.
Repeating this, will allways blacklist another different plugin.
Only vst2 plugins seem to get randomly blacklisted now..

may you test again with qtractor >=, please?

Of course, I can test again with latest Qtractor, but there is a huge problem:
it hasn't landed yet here. I would wait now some days and then I will test again or I have to install outside my packet manager. If it is okay, I will wait some days til the latest Qtractor will get installed through my daily (maybe hourly) updates. If it is urgent, I can setup another testing machine - then you have to cross fingers that I get it installed manually.Reading my first post, I feel like an idiot, I should not mention the number of my installed plugins - I thought it might be the reason why the scan is the way it is. I was over it allready and normally I am starting up Qtractor every day - also I honestly feel not smart enough to debug Qtractor - I guess I have to build it first with debug flag - then again, installing manually? That is my problem...copying everything manually to the right places and then withthe next update,I have to remove evrything again..but testing the new version is of course no problem

Qtractor Version 1.0 arrived today through my daily updates. I emediatly started testing. The blacklist now does not show any VST2 Plugins anymore - Thank you!
The scan process seems now to be always the same before it was was scan slow, scan fast - thank you!
Scan seems reliable now - still testing. Again, thank you.
The crashing after the scan process happened here not often - I must wait and use Qtractor for a longer while to say that this is now fixed, too.

Now it seems, like plugins are not getting scanned anymore: installed new plugins, these are not found after scan, nor put in the blacklist . Many several new plugins, I can rule out, that this is for the first time a batch of new plugins that all do not appear at all.

press Ctrl or Shift+Rescan on the plugin selection dialog, to invalidate the cache and force a new inventory.

ps. which plugin type are the newer ones? LV2? windows VST3 via yabridge? anything special about them?

Worked. Thanks. Scan now took a while and some new plugins are blacklisted, some can be used now in Qtractor.
Only native Linux plugins, no yabridge.
Yes, new plugins here are mostly VST3 and clap, one LV2.
Many of the new plugins blacklisted now:
/home/lee/.vst3/ZL E Compressor.vst3/Contents/x86_64-linux/ZL E Compressor.so

Still 3500 plugins usable, I can not see any pattertn which plugins are not running in Qtractor. Sometimes, clap version of a new plugin is not working, but the VST3 and VST2 are ok then.

things might be soewhat better after 7141256 (v1.0.0.6+)