rmusser01 / atlas

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Table of Contents

Introduction/What is this Project?

  • This repo is the homepage for the Mythic-C2 Atlas agent.
  • Atlas is a .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.0 compatible agent that is designed as an initial payload offering only the bare essentials before loading upa more fully-featured agent.
  • The current version of Atlas supports Mythic <FIXME> and will be kept up-to-date as necessary to ensure clean operation with the latest stable release of Mythic-C2.
  • It is not compatible with Mythic <FIXME> and below.

How to install Atlas into Mythic

  • Installing from Mythic C2 Host
    • You can use the mythic-cli binary to install Atlas in one of three ways:
      • sudo ./mythic-cli install github https://github.com/user/repo to install the main branch
      • sudo ./mythic-cli install github https://github.com/user/repo branchname to install a specific branch of that repo
      • sudo ./mythic-cli install folder /path/to/local/folder/cloned/from/github to install from an already cloned down version of an agent repo
  • You have three(3) options as to when you can install Atlas as an agent into Mythic-C2:
    1. Mythic is already up and going, then you can run the install script and just direct that agent's containers to start (i.e. sudo ./mythic-cli payload start agentName and if that agent has its own special C2 containers, you'll need to start them too via sudo ./mythic-cli c2 start c2profileName).
    2. Mythic is already up and going, but you want to minimize your steps, you can just install the agent and run sudo ./mythic-cli mythic start. That script will first stop all of your containers, then start everything back up again. This will also bring in the new agent you just installed.
    3. Mythic isn't running, you can install the script and just run sudo ./mythic-cli mythic start.

Understanding How Atlas Works

  • Code Architecture
  • Execution Flow
    1. Execution Starts in Main() in Program.cs
    2. One function is immediately called,
      1. Utils.GetServers();
        • This function's execution chain ends with a list of servers being added to the Config.Servers list
    3. The next step is a compile-time flag seeing whether to validate the TLS certificate on callback.
    4. Next up is a while loop, that checks for if the HTTP.CheckIn function returns false, and if so, generates an int and sleeps for that amount of time.
      • while (!Http.CheckIn()) - Evals whether Http.CheckIn() returns true.
    5. After the HTTP.CheckIn is eval'd, a JobList object is created, from Messages.JobList. This sets the internal var job_count to 0, and jobs{} as an array.
      • JobList definition:
      • Messages.JobList JobList = new Messages.JobList
      • This creates the List object jobs
        • public List<Job> jobs { get; set; }
      • This object also contains a function called JobList()
        • This function creates a new variable jobs with the value of new List<Job>()
    6. Finally, we have a while loop while (true), which performs 3 tasks:
      1. Dispatch.Loop(JobList);
        • This function, as the name implies, first performs an if/else check regarding the current date, and should that be satisfied, continues on to:
          • Retrieve tasking using Http.GetTasking(JobList);
          • Perform said tasking using: StartDispatch(JobList);
          • Returns the results of task execution to the Mythic server: Http.PostResponse(JobList);
      2. int Dwell = Utils.GetDwellTime();
        • GetDwellTime()
        • Creates a high and low number using Config.Sleep + (Config.Sleep * (Config.Jitter * 0.01)) and Random() to pick a 'random' number for each one.
          • int Dwell = random.Next(Convert.ToInt32(Low), Convert.ToInt32(High));
        • Then multiplies the result by 1000, and returns that as the value for Dwell
      3. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Dwell);
        • Self-explanatory, process 'sleeps' for the Dwell time value established above.
  • Understanding Tasking of Atlas
    1. Tasking occurs During Step 6 above, specifically with the Dispatch.Loop(JobList); function.
    2. Next, Http.GetTasking(JobList) is called, with the argument passed being the JobList object from before.
      1. The function definition can be seen at the below URL.
      2. The first two lines establish the string field action and int field tasking_size as get/set-ters * See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5096926/what-is-the-get-set-syntax-in-c
      3. After those two lines, the next line & function defines a string format to use to format strings from tasking messages.
        • public string JsonFormat = @"{{""action"":""{0}"",""tasking_size"":{1}}}";
      4. Then the function ToJson() is defined.
        1. This function by default takes two arguments, as seen in its definition: GetTasking & get_tasking
        2. We can next see that it returns three(3) objects as string values.
          1. get_tasking.JsonFormat
            • <Unsure> This line converts the get_tasking object to JSON formatting.
          2. JavaScriptStringEncode(get_tasking.action)
          3. JavaScriptStringEncode(get_tasking.tasking_size.ToString())
            • This line also encodes a string, however, first, the value stored in get_tasking.tasking_size is converted to a string object, so that it can be properly encoded as a string.
    3. Then StartDispatch(JobList), which has the definition line of public static bool StartDispatch (Messages.JobList JobList)
      • public static bool StartDispatch (Messages.JobList JobList)
      • This function iterates through the JobList object, checking to see if any entries match any of the available commands.
        • If so, the matching code is ran, and the matching Job from JobList (JobList.jobs) is modified to reflect the status of the task.
    4. Finally, Http.PostResponse(JobList);
    5. This continues in a loop, until the entire list of jobs initially passed in the JobList object has been iterated through.

Extending Atlas's Features & Functionality

  • The agent has mythic_payloadtype_container==0.0.44 PyPi package installed and reports to Mythic as version "8".
  • 101
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Language:C# 82.4%Language:Python 16.0%Language:JavaScript 1.6%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%