rmusser01 / ChimeraLdr

Multipurpose malware framework utilizing vk.com as c2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Chimera Loader

Multi-purpose malware / updater framework

About The Project

Chimera loader previously Strator currently serving as a vk.com loader has the potential to serve as either a windows based malware / implant base or a 3rd party software updater module depends on how the user leverages it and modifies it


  • VK.com C&C
  • HTTP / HTTPS based stealthy communication
  • Persistence
  • Highly modular
  • Tiny size
  • Anti-Analysis

Have questions ?

Contact: Souhardya@protonmail.com


Multipurpose malware framework utilizing vk.com as c2

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C++ 95.2%Language:C 4.8%