rmcrackan / Libation

Libation: Liberate your Library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Moved Libation to external storage, no longer opens

Africats2 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
The type initializer for 'LibationFileManager.PictureStorage' threw an exception.

at LibationFileManager.PictureStorage.SetDefaultImage(PictureSize pictureSize, Byte[] bytes) in D:\a\Libation\Libation\Source\LibationFileManager\PictureStorage.cs:line 105
at LibationWinForms.Form1.Configure_NonUI() in D:\a\Libation\Libation\Source\LibationWinForms\Form1._NonUI.cs:line 19
at LibationWinForms.Form1..ctor() in D:\a\Libation\Libation\Source\LibationWinForms\Form1.cs:line 51
at LibationWinForms.Program.Main() in D:\a\Libation\Libation\Source\LibationWinForms\Program.cs:line 87

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


[Win 11

Log Files
Attach your Libation log file here.

Many people use an external drive for their books but I've never tried to run Libation with the app itself on an external drive. It should be possible though.

Thank you for including those log files. Unfortunately there's an error with them which means you probably picked up an update which I've since discovered is bad. (You like how I worded that? Like it wasn't me who caused the bug... I'm sorry ☹️)

Download version 11.1. Unzip it and move the folder where you want it to live. When you run it, Libation will look for your settings in the default location in your C:\Users\%my_name%\Libation folder. If they're in there, try to run a new scan and see if your error is fixed. If they aren't there, you'll be asked if you're a new or returning user. To just start over, pick new user. 'Returning user' lets you point to where your settings are. Note: this is not where you just put Libation; this is where your log files live along with some other important files.

Let me know if this gets you unstuck. I'm leaving town tomorrow for a few days, so if you don't hear back from me, I haven't forgotten you and I'll pick this back up when I return.

I've been using Libation for about a year now in a VM, with the books directory in a folder under Z:, it's been absolutely fine with my (paltry) 1600 book collection