rmccue / Procrast

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Errors if weather location setting string is empty

roborourke opened this issue · comments

When you first check out the repo and load it up it errors out pretty quickly as there's no weather_location value by default.

I've been playing with the following code in components/Weather.jsx:componentDidMount but so far I've not been successful in getting it to actually refetch the weather condition despite it finding the coords and a place ID.

if (!this.props.location) {
    if ("geolocation" in navigator) {
        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(position => {
            this.props.onLocationChange(position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude);
    } else {
        this.props.onLocationChange(prompt('Enter your location', 'London, UK'));

Probably a nicer / better place to put the above but not sure why it's refusing to update yet.

Should probably handle whatever's causing the error; the idea is that it should show ??º if you don't have a location. There's some code there right now to handle that, but it's not working great.

Yeah, it's where you set the item variable. If the weather API fails it's
still sending a valid object thinking your place ID was the string

@sanchothefat Should be mostly fixed now, but we can still do better defaults. Want to open a new ticket for the geolocation? :)

Will do 👍

Robert O'Rourke
mobile: +447816329424
skype: *rob.o.rourke