rlesac / Ender3

Supercharge your Ender3 with Guides, Mods and Addons

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Supercharge your Ender3 with Guides, Mods and Addons. Make your Ender3 work and worth like high end machines.

Note: I have spend many hours trying put this together so you can supercharge your Ender-3 for "Free", if my work is important to you or you fell this worth a tip i'm open to donations: https://www.paypal.me/SkillTournament

Discussion Groups:

1. Slic3rPE

These profiles are based on a quality/speed balance (Universal). Good prints without sacrifice the speed. Make sure you have a good leveled printer and bed.

Modify at your needs.

1.1. Instalation

  1. Download Slic3rPE from: https://github.com/prusa3d/Slic3r/releases
  2. Start and configure Slic3rPE (Wizard)
  3. Close Slic3rPE
  4. Open "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Prusa3D\Slic3r settings xxxx"
  5. Copy GitHub Slic3rPE subfolders "printer", "filament", "print"
  6. Done

2. Hardware

2.1. Best parts store:

2.2. Recommended Hardware:

Note: Somes parts can override others! Study first what you want or need to buy.

3. Printed Parts

3.1. Colections


Supercharge your Ender3 with Guides, Mods and Addons

License:GNU General Public License v3.0