rkotze / eye_drops

Configurable Elixir mix task to watch file changes and run the corresponding command.

Home Page:https://hex.pm/packages/eye_drops

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Give ability/opportunity to run all tasks manually

NobbZ opened this issue · comments

Sometimes after leaving my place for a while, I'd like to rerun all tests before continuing my work.

Currently I have to kill eye_drops and run mix test manually and start eye_drops again. This is a suboptimal flow.

I think it would be nice to be able to enter some very basic commands to rerun everythink or only a list of tasks.

I do think the easiest way to achieve something similar is to make the prefered way to start eye_drops like iex -S mix eye_drops and then import a function eye_run/1 into iexs default namespace, such that one can use that function to run either a single task by its id or many by providing a list of ids. Also an eye_run/0 could be used to run all tasks that eye_drops knows about.

Of course the name for that function is choosen semi-randomly and everything what makes sense can be used here.

Sorry for slow reply - just back from holiday.

I had similar thoughts about having a rerun of the tests after being distracted with other things. I will look into this soon.