rknechtel / sgdeps

AWS security group dependency finder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AWS security group dependency walker

list AWS security group dependencies, so you know which security group has reference to other group

it can be used to find out the security group used by which ec2/rds/redshift/elastcache/eni instance

or you can list security groups not used by any of ec2/rds/redshift/elastcache/eni instance and can be safely deleted


Python 2.7+ and boto installed. you can install boto by:

pip install boto


download the python file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mingbowan/sgdeps/master/sgdeps.py


setup your boto credentails.

here's a few options:
     setup environment varialbes: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
     or create one or some of below files (boto will evaluate in order):
     and put your credentials in the file(s) with below format:
       aws_access_key_id = <your_access_key_here>
       aws_secret_access_key = <your_secret_key_here>


python sgdeps.py --region <region_name> [--list] [--obsolete | --eni_only] [security_group]


$ python sgdeps.py --region us-east-1 mingbotest-A
sg-b4566ad1 (mingbotest-A)
|-- sg-9b566afe (mingbotest-C2)
|-- sg-9f566afa (mingbotest-C1)
|  |-- sg-69576b0c (mingbotest-D2)
|  |  `-- sg-b4566ad1 (mingbotest-A) ** loop
|  `-- sg-64576b01 (mingbotest-D1)
|     `-- sg-9b566afe (mingbotest-C2)
|-- sg-8b566aee (mingbotest-B2)
`-- sg-86566ae3 (mingbotest-B1)

Used by:
  ec2: i-7cf19ebf (Mingbotest-ec2-1)
  ec2: i-7e219ebf (Mingbotest-ec2-1)
  eni: eni-06ae977f


AWS security group dependency finder


Language:Python 100.0%